

Parallel erection of cable tray and pipeline2023-10-14

Cable tray manufacturers, mainly used in mining and civil laying power cables, control cables, self-controlled cables and communication cables, the cable tray installation necessary to pay attention to a lot, cable tray and pipeline, when parallel setting, must pay attention to the net distance between them, described in detail below.
1.Cable bridge should not be installed in parallel above the heat pipeline, when it is impossible to avoid parallel installation above the heat pipeline, it should not be less than 1000 mm, and insulation measures should be taken during the effective period.
2.Cable bridge should not be installed in parallel under the pipeline transporting corrosive liquid or above the pipeline carrying corrosive gas. When unavoidable, should not be less than 500 mm in the application of anti-corrosion protection, while separated by a partition.
3.The cable bridge is set up in parallel with the thermal pipe, and the thermal pipe is not less than 500 mm when there is a thermal insulation layer, and not less than 1000 mm when there is no thermal insulation layer.
4.When installing cable bridge and general technical process pipeline, the parallel static distance is greater than 400 mm, which is very necessary. When the cable bridge is parallel to the corrosive liquid pipeline, it is not less than 500mm, and this point must be paid attention to.